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Sketching Materials

"If you cannot write well, you cannot think well, and if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you."

George Orwell


Colorado Early Colleges Middle School

Lights in the Dark


CEC holds to the belief that, “All students, regardless of background or skill level, will have the opportunity to pursue a growth mindset that will allow them to achieve mastery and to demonstrate that they can succeed in school, in college, and in their chosen career. No exceptions. No excuses.” Miss Smith’s classroom holds to these same beliefs. Through a structure of respect and vigor, students will engage in learning through curiosity, collaboration, and discussion. The classroom, though, is not a place for shame or regret; rather, it is a place where students can experiment and take risks that ultimately lead to understanding and a refined skill set. As Plutarch observes, "The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting."

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